How can you, your faith community, and your local community care for creation?
To work it and take care of it.
Genesis 2:15
In the first chapters of the Bible, Adam and Eve were charged with caring for God’s good creation; so we want to be good stewards of it, too, and to encourage others to do the same.
The effects of climate change are at our front door.
The church — the community that prays for God’s kingdom to come and will to be done on earth— should be leading the way.
let's talk
Contact us to set up a creation care meeting. Via presentations and discussions, we focus especially on educating and encouraging church leaders and members to take practical steps in their personal lives and church activities and buildings.
A Heart for Creation
Trying to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.
We've had a heart for creation for years, trying to be responsible toward the environment in our personal lives and in our faith community's activities. But it's not easy. We're all part of the system and have large carbon footprints. What can we do?
Recently, Mitch completed the Climate Reality Project's (CRP) global training. Now as a Climate Reality Leader, Mitch has access to the CRP's excellent materials and resources and is a part of their network of over 31,000 leaders around the world.
Contact Us
Get in touch and let's talk about how you and your faith community can learn about and engage in creation care.